Richard Rydon is an award-winning science fiction novelist. His first two books in the Luper Series, ‘The Oortian Summer’ (2007) and ‘The Omega Wave’ (2008), have been given excellent reviews and were published in hardcover and paperback by Lulu Publishing. Richard’s second novel, The Omega Wave, was selected as one of the finalists in the Science Fiction Category of the Reader Views Literary Awards and was awarded an Honorary Mention in the Reviewers Choice Awards in 2009.
Richard is an honours science graduate with a PhD. More recently, he has obtained numerous certificates and diplomas in Psychology, Counselling, Theology, and a Diplôme de Cuisine Française.
Richard Rydon (pen name), has won awards in both fiction and non-fiction. He is a prolific writer and has published over 300 papers, articles, and poems, in scientific journals, international magazines and local papers to date. He has also published two full books on the history of Chemistry Associations in Ireland.
More recently, he has published numerous articles and poems in local papers and magazines. A selection of his poetry containing a hundred poems has been published in an anthology called 'A Golden Fuchsia-laden Girl' (2011).
What's New?
Richard Rydon fans will be delighted to know that his third science fiction novel, in the Luper Series, is out now. Another full-length novel, 'The Palomar Paradox: A SETI Mystery' takes the protagonist, 'Luper Beauchamps', into even more exciting unknown territory.